Fighting Racism

Ways To Help

We all have a part to do in this world, we can stop a lot of incidents from happening by speaking up or reporting it. In todays world we are so devided we now live in a world were people only look out for themselves. We can come together and change it, we can't change how people look, how people talk or how they speak. We can change the way how we see things, and we can also change the way how we see people, by learning to acept and love each other. We can make this world a better a place by coming together and spreading joy and sharing love, showing people that been through so much bad or that is feeling like they are the only one's that's been through a bad tragedy, there is still some type of good in this world. We can do God's work by helping each other, showing other people that there is still someone that cares about them and that we have a good hart. It's the little things sometimes that can make someone's day.